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A Busy Lull

October and November should have been fairly quiet months, the contract had been placed, a provisional start date of mid-March had been set, for the time being it would be just a bit of a waiting game. But funds continued to be granted to the project, The Sharpe Trustees awarded us £300 and Elmgrant, £600. Contributions from individuals also continued to flow in with over £1,000 being donated during these two months.

The ringing chamber at Calstock is open to the church at the west end of the nave so the bells are rarely left up.
The ringing chamber at Calstock is open to the church at the west end of the nave, so the bells are rarely left up.

On the ringing front the Tower took part in the various events to commemorate the centenary of the Armistice of the Great War. The bells were rung muffled ahead of the morning service of remembrance and open at both 12.30 for the Ringing Remembers event and 19.05 for the Battle's Over - Ring Out For Peace.

The end of the month was marked by the Annual Dinner of the Western District of the Truro Diocesan Guild of Ringers which was held in Penzance. The district had kindly invited me to speak at the dinner on the subject of fundraising for the bell project. It was a splendid evening, I met a great many interesting people and I think they enjoyed the talk.


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